Postpartum Recovery should be more like ACL Reconstruction Recovery
When you read this, you might laugh out loud at the title because it might feel shocking that I’m even considering this comparison. However, with my experience as a physical therapist and as a women’s health coach, I have recognized there should be more comparisons between the 2 recovery processes. When recovering from an ACL reconstruction surgery it is expected that individuals move slowly, respecting the healing ligament and tissues. No expectation of complete recovery until 9 months – 1 year. Recovery in the postpartum phase is rushed, with new moms feeling the pressure to be back to their “prepartum self” just weeks after delivery.
Periods - it’s time to talk about them!
Thinking about periods just brings me back to those junior high days, sneaking tampons or pads into your pocket or waistband being as sneaky as you possibly can be. And the funny thing is, as I analyze adulthood not much has changed. I still feel a sense of embarrassment buying tampons at the grocery store. Why is women’s health so embarrassing? Your period is a cardinal sign of health. Something all women should get. Yet, as a society we hide it. We medicate it. And we do everything we can to get rid of it.