New business, new website, new blog….time to introduce myself! Hi. I’m Brittany Boehnke, owner of Trail Moms Coaching and Mojo Physical Therapy. I want to introduce you to my story and my why as I start my journey as a postpartum health coach.
I graduated from Duke University with my Doctorate in Physical Therapy and couldn’t be more excited to start my career as a Physical Therapist. I started at my first job and entered chaos. Back-to-back patients, all day, every day, without time to think, assess, or do anything I learned in PT school. So, decided to change my path and I started Mojo Physical Therapy. A fully out of network physical therapy practice, with all one-on-one care and time to fully treat the person in front of me. With more time and space for a better assessment and treatment I found I was missing entire parts of the body…. the pelvic floor and the viscera (organs). Which leads me to the next portion of my story.
I studied through programs associated with the American Physical Therapy Association, The Barral Institute and other pelvic floor specialists. I loved everything I was learning, yet there was still something missing to the puzzle. Moving past the anatomy, there was an emotional and lifestyle component. I could see it but hadn’t studied it. This led me to Jessica Drummond and her Women’s Health Coaching program through IWHI. I have since completed her 18-month coaching program diving into all things women’s health related. Stress management, nutrition, hormones, support systems, you name it…we’ve talked about it. I’ve incorporated this training as a physical therapist, however again, I found myself finding a group of women missing specialized care. The outdoor female athlete, with the term athlete meaning anyone wanting to be active outside and finding her sense of self as a mom.
Trail Moms has been developed as a place for postpartum moms to connect, gain support, find answers to questions, learn, and become her best self as she navigates motherhood. Through one on one and group coaching, any mom can find solutions to problems including lifestyle, work, health, and wellness. I’m here as a resource to support you through your journey!
To start your journey with Trail Moms, check out @trailmoms Facebook group to find other moms to connect with as well as learn content that pertains to motherhood. Also check out @trailmomsco on Instagram for motivation, information, exercises, and lifestyle tips.